Take the Helm on your Health

It was a windy sub-zero day yesterday when we hit the beach to connect and dance with nature.

This little beauty is resilient and optimistic despite entering another new year of school online.

I try to stay in my lane and avoid discussing politics – but this Cad Gov is crushing mental health.

The true impact of lockdowns on mental health and small business won’t be known for years to come.

What is known is that a lot of people are suffering right now- as the saying goes, no one is coming.

We must take 100% responsibility for our own mental health and wellbeing.

Every day we have a choice to create habits and routines to train and engage our minds & bodies.

Turn off the news. Listen to an empowering podcast. Read a book. Move your body. Exercise. Breathe. Meditate. Get out in nature. Play a game. Eat less and eat clean. Prioritize sleep. Connect with others.

Commit to one new thing this week and do that!

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