#75 The HuMAN Experience with Zarak Fatah

Rewire with Brian Coones
Rewire with Brian Coones
#75 The HuMAN Experience with Zarak Fatah

From Nightlife to Lightlife. This episode is about change, overcoming yourself, your future self and the power of vulnerability. If you are in the greater Toronto area, Zarak and I will be hosting a conscious men’s dinner called The HuMAN experience at NODO in LIberty Village on Feb 18th. Link to details. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-human-experience-tickets-800192155277?aff=oddtdtcreator Zarak is a serial entrepreneur, who created 14 companies that include; Blowfish Restaurant, Hammam Spa, Maison Mercer and several other businesses. Even though he enjoyed a successful lavish lifestyle, he was dealing with anxiety, stress and a lack of purpose. This all changed when he discovered personal development and mindfulness. He discovered a new way to be successful that allows him to work in flow and live a balanced, healthy lifestyle. Zarak is now a certified Life Coach, retreat leader and breathwork facilitator and is teaching fellow entrepreneurs realtors how to stop the hustle and grind and create abundance in a state of attraction and flow.

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