3 Self-Care Ideas For Lockdown

It’s crazy times right now.  I want to express appreciation and gratitude for all of the people out there on the front lines caring for those affected by the virus and for those at risk who are keeping us safe and healthy maintaining basic services.

This is a critical time for Self-Care. Unmanaged stress wreaks havoc on our immune system and emotional wellbeing.

For those not used to being locked down at home 24-7, I don’t have to explain how hard it can be.

Here are 3 Self-care ideas to help you survive and even thrive during this pandemic.

  • Create a daily routine and schedule. This is huge. A simple checklist goes a long way to give us some purpose and accountability.  You will feel better at the end of the day with some sense of accomplishment.
  • Take some time for personal development. There are so many free books, courses, and resources online right now. It’s going to be a different world on the other side of this so consider using this time to prepare yourself for what’s to come. Keep your brain sharp in the process
  • Keep your mind and body fit & strong. This isn’t ideal, it is critical. Time is always the #1 excuse when it comes to meditation and fitness. Start a meditation practice TODAY. If you don’t know how to, reach out and I’ll send you something. But please just do it! And secondly, move your body! We don’t all have home gyms but don’t fall into a sedentary trap. Lots of talented trainers out there right now offering free online classes.

Hope this helps.

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