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mental health

Meditation for Longevity

I had the honour of leading breathwork and meditation to an extraordinary group of medical specialists, celebrities, biohackers, and industry leaders over this past weekend. I love that meditation is now recognized in the mainstream as a pillar for living a longer healthier life. Meditation also connects us to a life source of energy and

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mental health

What brings you peace?

What brings you peace? Our culture perpetuates productivity over inner peace. Non-stop busyness creates stress that can be overwhelming or even debilitating. By default, when I’m not busy doing something considered productive, negative thoughts may arise. Thoughts for me that produce feelings of guilt, shame, or some level of unworthiness – no peace. Through mindful

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mental health

Sit with it

If something irritates you, it’s because you are attached to a particular way you want it to be, rather than what it is. It’s this gap that creates suffering. With Mindfulness practice we can learn to create space and sit with it. To respond skillfully and not react, without judgement. Instead of drinking it away,

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mental health

What is Universal Mind?

What is Universal Mind? Ernest Holmes, the founder of the science and mind movement states: The Universal Mind contains all knowledge. It is the potential ultimate of all things. To It all things are possible. Universal mind is considered your mind in its entirety. Regardless of your personal beliefs, witnessing the unfolding of nature’s mystery

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mental health

Beauty is Everywhere.

Beauty is everywhere. It’s inside of us and all around us. Do you see it with your eyes and feel it with your heart? Sometimes we get lost in stories that are no longer true. Our light can be overcome by shadows of the past. Our peace can be overcome by fear and worry. But

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mental health

Do the work.

I didn’t feel like it this morning. The voice was saying too early, too cold, too cloudy, too lonely, do it tomorrow. But I did it, and at the end, my body and soul were aligned and smiling. And it’s beautiful day. The most important person to keep promises to is yourself. If you want

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mental health

What’s up with the cold plunges?

It’s the first week of spring and I wanted to share a little about my experience with the powerful practice of cold lake plunges throughout this past winter. I discovered Mindfulness meditation around 12 years ago in my own journey of seeking of deeper meaning in life, inner peace and healing. Over time, my practice

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mental health

Mindful Happiness

Happiness is ranked #1 on the list of what most people want in life. By practicing Mindfulness, we can learn to increase our baseline of happiness over time. Here are 3 ideas to help you upgrade happiness through a ‘positive emotions practice’. Notice life’s positive moments, take them in, let them linger and soak in

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mental health

Do you control your emotions?

Do you control your emotions or do your emotions control you? Emotional regulation is a powerful factor in determining the quality of your life. Did you take a few moments this morning to meditate, check in with yourself and reset? A lot of people I talk to every week struggle with meditation – and skip

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mental health

Who are you Really?

A QUESTION TO PONDER: Who are you really? I ask myself this question every morning before meditation. Some days it’s crickets, but some days there is a subtle nudge or hint towards a greater knowing. And, every once in a while, my mind is blown wide open and I get a glimpse into the infinite.

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