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Mindfulness Meditation

Being Happy Vs. Right

Sometimes we choose to be right vs happy. The unpleasant thoughts that often accompany being right are unnecessary. There is always time for healthy debate and a time to go to battle, mostly it’s just noise. Maybe you are 100% right, who cares, let it go! The truth usually lies somewhere in the middle anyway.

Mindfulness Meditation


Do you ever get that urge that you need to be anywhere other than where you are? That anxious feeling that you must do something or are missing out on what is happening somewhere else? I’ve spent a large portion of my life chasing external pleasure. I wished away every weekday for the weekend to

Mindfulness Meditation

Get Your Heart-On

Love rocks. We all love to love and experience love from many external sources. What is remarkable however is our innate ability to inwardly cultivate this same love energy through meditation. Where we place our attention is where we place our energy – most of the time our attention is focused on random negative thoughts

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