
#50 Showing up Daily

How do we show up daily at 100%? Or is this how society sends the message that honouring your body/energy is weak if you need to slow down or rest? On this episode, Coach Chelsea share our perspectives.

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#48 Amanda Moreley – Energy is Everything

Amanda Moreley is a former 2x Bobsled USA and Canadian Olympic athlete and performance coach who helps athletes master their inner game, get results & establish what high performance means to them. Amanda projects powerful energy that lights up the room and everyone inside of it! We share a passion for the power of the

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#47 Ryz & Rewire – Ryz to the Challenge

No matter what you want to achieve in your life, may it be health, happiness, transformation, healing, or simply some peace from the madness, there are no shortcuts. You’ve got to do the work, every single day, and Ryz to the many challenges you will meet along the way. In this episode, we just share

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