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mental health

Rise Above

That humbled, peaceful feeling when emerging from the cold. Peaceful & present, despite the icy water and minus double-digit wind chill. Letting go and surrendering to the moment exposes our limiting beliefs as BS. And reconnects us with the source of unlimited potential that flows from within. The mind is a powerful force that can

mental health

Are you training your Mind?

Are you training your mind? Just like training your body for better health, fitness, or function, it requires consistent effort over time, a growth mindset, and healthy consumption. You can’t physically see the results in the mirror, but you will feel them. When you train your mind to be stronger than your emotions, you create

mental health

New Year, More You.

It’s resolutions time, new year, new you? How about in 2021, new year, and more of YOU! I chased a new me for a large % of my adult life and ended up right back where I started. Sometimes the path we are searching for is the path we are already on. How can you

mental health


For a lot of us, Monday during a pandemic (in lockdown) may not feel much like a miracle. However, a conscious shift in perspective may help you feel better. Problems or not, life really is a freakin miracle. The odds that you even exist at all has been calculated as 1 x 10 (2,640,000). Basically

Mindfulness Meditation

As A Man Thinketh

I love re-reading old books that have been sitting on my shelf untouched for many years. It’s like a trip down memory lane with an entirely fresh new perspective. This classic, published in 1903 on the power of thought, is still one of my favs. WE ARE LITERALLY WHAT WE THINK. If this is true,

mental health

Peace from Mind

If you want greater happiness, you must find greater peace. Happiness expands when the mind is quiet. A beautiful sunset. The perfect wave. An intimate moment. You find peace when your mind is calm and still. Fully in the present moment. Peace from the noise and the relentless chatter of the mind. Your mind is

mental health

This Moment

When we get stuck in our heads, we miss out on what is available now in the moment. Stop and notice how you feel. Feel your breath moving in and out of your body. Feel the air on your skin. Feel your heart beating. Notice what you see and what you hear. Connect to the



Be aware of the fact that you created everything in your life via your thoughts, beliefs, focus, actions and energy. You have the power to shift your Mindset, raise your vibe and create new things that will serve you better. Whether you are strengthened by life’s challenges, or broken by them, is completed determined by

mental health


We become what we think about. But nothing much will change without taking action. Repeated action over time, becomes a habit. Habits, good or bad, will make or break us. Default habits are the result of our subconscious beliefs. With discipline, we can create or install better habits. Once we become aware, we can choose

mental health


If you want to raise your vibe, avoid judging yourself and others. Judgement lowers your frequency. If you practice non-judgement in your day to day life, your light shines brighter. Judgement is fear in disguise. Everything you judge you fear. Because you have invested in a certain way of thinking, feeling or believing. Because you

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