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Noticing Stuff

Studies show that we spend close to half of our waking hours unconsciously running in autopilot mode. Autopilot mode is when we are lost in our thoughts and narratives. We get stuck in a loop of problem solving, ruminating, worrying, thinking and planning that can leave us feeling unhappy and anxious. Driving a vehicle is

Mindfulness Meditation

Book -The Art Of Here And Now

I received a cool birthday present in being selected as one of the contributors to a new book released this week on Amazon, The Art of Being Here and Now – an introduction to being present. The book’s mission is to inspire about the science, art and practice of mindfulness. I contributed a short autobiographical


Embrace The Struggle

Life is a gift. A temporarily gift however that passes by very quickly if you don’t pay attention. In any given moment, we have two options in life, step into growth or step back into safety. Safety is comfortable and familiar but creates more of the same experience and results. Somewhere along my own journey


I Love You Man

Its not always comfortable discussing or expressing feelings and emotions – especially for men. Men often bottle up emotions that may end up manifesting as anger or in all kinds of other ugly ways. I’m sure a few dudes reading this are already tuning out – talking about feelings is not traditionally a man’s domain.


Unkind Wake-Up Call

Authentic kindness is a habit that I live and strive for – kindness without judgement towards others and myself. I use the term strive as it’s my ongoing life-long journey to develop greater awareness. I was recently called out at an overnight dinner party with some close friends. These friends are like family and we

Mindfulness Meditation

Fear And Loathing In San Diego

With greater awareness comes a greater ability to notice deep seated emotions and the feelings they create. I recently traveled to California to attend an Influencer conference – something I booked months in advance and that I was very much looking forward to. On travel day prior to the event, I woke early as I

Mindfulness Meditation

The Perfect Lie

I first heard the terms ‘unlearning’ and ‘beginners mind’ in early mindfulness seminars. At the time, It didn’t make a lot of sense to me but eventually I began to understand the importance of returning to curiosity and questioning years of programming. We spend a great portion of our lives, especially in the early years


Bro, do you even lift?

The noise of health & fitness experts and products saturating the marketplace is overwhelming. While Midlife Rewire is focused on training & taming the mind, we cannot discount the massive importance of moving the body temple everyday. Without optimal physical health, we have nothing at all. Weight training has a long list of benefits outside

Mindfulness Meditation

Fight Or Flight

The body’s primitive survival response, Fight or Flight once protected us from the proverbial Saber Tooth Tiger that lurked around every corner. In modern society, this same response is commonly triggered by excessive stress. Road rage is a perfect and common example. As a former world class road-rager, I can certainly relate! There is a

Mindfulness Meditation

No Time?!

On the topic of meditation, many people understand the benefits but claim to be too busy or find it too difficult to sit still. In my own practice, I continuously battle my ingrained programming to chase the ‘to do’ list vs sitting quietly and exploring Inward. It takes time to rewire our brains but the

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